a melange of recipes, cuisines and food stories and my adventures in the culinary world

Baked Goodies

Almond Joy Coconut Macaroons

Almond Joy Coconut Macaroons

Golden, light and airy Coconut cookies with almonds ,soft and chewy in the insides and a crispy exterior ,apt with your cup of tea or a glass of milk.

Chocolate swirled Banana Loaf as my first entry for the Foodie Monday Blog Hop

Chocolate swirled Banana Loaf as my first entry for the Foodie Monday Blog Hop

Moist and soft Marbled Chocolate Banana Loaf , ideal for tea parties.

Perfect Snickers Brownies

Perfect Snickers Brownies

Perfect, Fudgy, Chewy, Chocolatey Brownies with gooey Snickers inside with a shiny and crackly top. Can also be made with Brownie box mix!

Christmas Sugar Cookies

Christmas Sugar Cookies

A classic and best Sugar Cookies recipe, soft and chewy, a perfect base for frosting, sprinkles and decorations …a sinfully sweet Christmas treat !

A Zebra Cake for my little one

A Zebra Cake for my little one

A super easy eye catching stripey cake, perfect for a children tea party.

Nutty prune Cake…after a long break

Nutty prune Cake…after a long break

 The cinnamon and the peanut butter combo imparts a nice unique flavour to the cake. The wholemeal flour with the nuts and prunes make it a healthy cake for the children,a must try and a sure hit!

Chocolate Sesame Cookies

Chocolate Sesame Cookies

Eggless,chewy,chocolate cookies sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Banana and Walnut Loaf and  …..an award

Banana and Walnut Loaf and …..an award

An easy, moist, aromatic Banana walnut loaf perfect for tea parties and your kids lunch box.

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