Fried Eggplant roundels/Baigana Bhajaa
With the festival season in full swing all Indian kitchens are busy churning out new delicacies every day.Odiya delicacies dominate my kitchen on festivals and holidays.With sweets and delectable desserts in abundance everywhere the craving for simple, comfort food rises.
Servings Prep Time
10piece 20minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
10piece 20minutes
Cook Time
  • 2 eggplants brinjals. round variety /
  • 2tsps turmeric.
  • 1tsp chillipowder .
  • 1tsp saltor according to taste .
  • 3 – 4tbsps mustard oilfor shallow frying .
  1. Wash and wipe dry the eggplants ,cut into 1/2 inch thick roundels.
  2. Marinate with the turmeric,chilli powder and salt.
  3. Smear it uniformly on the slices and keep it marinated for 15 mins.
  4. Heat the mustard oil in a wok till smoke emanates from it.
  5. Lessen the heat and fry the marinated slices in batches of 2 or 3 in a medium flame.
  6. Cook both the sides till nice and brown.
  7. Serve with a proper Oriya meal or with just plain ghee smeared Khichdi.
Recipe Notes

Divinely nostalgic!